In Talks With

Anthony Caro at Pitzhanger Manor

Episode Summary

Where does sculpture stop and architecture start? How Anthony Caro broke boundaries in post-war Britain - and how his work still resonates today.

Episode Notes

Anthony Caro is a giant of British architecture, who designed the London Millennium Footbridge spanning the Thames between St. Paul's Cathedral and the Tate Modern, who worked with Henry Moore, and who, with his vision and restless drive, broke through the stagnation of the art world in post-war Britain. A major exhibition of Anthony Caro’s work is currently on view at Pitzhanger Manor and Gallery in Ealing, West London, itself a landmark of the British cultural landscape. Over tea in her her Pitzhanger Manor -adjacent office, the gallery's director, Clare Gough, discusses with host Danielle Radojcin the way the work in the exhibition complements the space around it and opens up new ideas around Caro’s work.

Image: Anthony Caro in his Camden Town studio
Photo by Nicholas Sinclair © The Anthony Caro Centre